"     Mr. Yektai's present paintings are entirely different, at least on the surface. They are abstract for the most part, depicting nature, not as a mysterious subject but as a precise experience to be enjoyed. Yet there is one quality which is similar in all of Mr. Yektai's pieces: the heartfelt feeling that is elicited when we see his works. In the past, we could connect with the implied narrative; in the present we bond with the place itself. Such a point is certainly relevant, since the spectator  ( especially this critic ) is a person who may have actually been to the paintings' locations."

Media In New Light
Date: August 13, 2022
Author: Marion Wolberg Weiss

"     Marbella's location on the Mediterranean Costa del Sol is a perfect place for Darius Yektai's recent exhibit at the Sholeh Abghari Gallery. However, instead of the surrounding Mediterranean Sea as a background, we have the artist's own real-life setting, the nearby ponds and fields of the Hamptons in Eastern Long Island." 

Media In New Light
Date: August 13, 2022
Author: Marion Wolberg Weiss

"...Yektai builds layer upon layer of paint encased in resin to be painted upon once more. Manipulating thick swathes of oil paint is the artist’s signature style, which emphasizes an illegibility in the depth of the piece; stacked in abundant pours of resin giving the work a sculptural presence. Each figure is imbued with an uncanny weight turned gravitas as the slick surface encases the subject–frozen in time–as if “a geological record”. "


Showings In Four Dimensions
Date: July 16, 2022
Author: Carson Wos

Catalog for an exhibition of waterlillies at the Grenning Gallery in Sag Harbor in 2021 with essays by Lloyd Wise an Anthony Hayden Guest. 

Grenning Gallery Catalog for Waterlily show
Date: October 11, 2021
Author: Lloyd Wise and Anthony Hayden Guest



Drive-By-Art show review

The New York Times
Date: May 11, 2020
Author: Stacey Stowe

"For me the most poignant example is Tern 2, which depicts the flighty creature skimming the surface of shimmering water. The wonderful thing about the painting is the artist’s use of silver paint to represent what truly is a quicksilver moment. The shiny liquid seems to ignite as the beak of the bird breaks the surface skimming for fish."

Art Review: Darius Yektai: On Country Ground
Date: June 11, 2013
Author: Mike Solomon

"Here, with no pretense, we can enjoy the paintings and feel our spirits lifted in their presence."

Darius Yektai: On Country Ground at Tripoli
Date: May 31, 2013
Author: Stephanie De Troy

"Darius Yektai's waves are structural, ominous paintings of mostly black, white and silver. These oils, best at their most imposing 8- foot scale, capture the action of subject and painter in thick, aggressive strokes and splashes as violent and grand as the swells and barrels they portray. The work... gives a potentially trite subject weight, movement and originality... the painter used spray paint to reflect the way waves spray and he allowed his paint to run, splash and drip as the ocean would. " it just makes sense," Yektai said, describing subject, process and material as one. "The Quality of paint describes the image."

Darius Yektai: Making Waves
Date: July 17, 2012
Author: Oliver Peterson

"Brideghampton native Darius Yektai's work, on display at Tripoli Gallery, is inspired by his Sagg Pond roots... photographs by Eric Cahan"

Studio Visits: Hamptons Magazine
Date: July 11, 2011
Author: Christina Floyd



''The surface of Yektai's painting uniformly reveals the trace of the brush. Nothing is hidden or repressed. The way the painting is constructed is entirely visible.''

''Darius Yektai subsumes the intellect in favor of the emotions... it is through this tension and balance- working from his innermost feelings- where the mythic grandeur in his work begins to take hold.''

Darius Yektai: Love, Form, and Existence
Date: August 28, 2009
Author: Robert C. Morgan



''One might imagine figurative works to be less painterly than the landscape or certainly the abstract, but Mr. Kertess's selection defies this notion. Billy Sullivan and Darius Yektai take a figurative approach, and Mr. Yektai shares the kind of intimate and informal style portraiture that has distinguished Mr. Sullivan.''

Jumping Genres and Generations in Art
Date: June 05, 2008
Author: Jess Frost



''Darius Yektai's ingenious play with surfaces and planes in his work interjects a sense of remove and separateness to what would otherwise be a scene of passionate encounter in a bedroom.''

''In all his work, Darius Yektai involves the viewer in what might be termed an atmosphere of ''indwellingness''. His depicted spaces whether they are of a social, that is public, nature or of a more private kind allow the viewer a privileged point of access to a suffused and deepened atmosphere which has a story-telling feel to it.''

Sex and Sensuality
Date: August 03, 2007
Author: Dominique Nahas



''Exploring new possibilities for combining the physical and the psychological, Darius Yektai's recent work touches on a number of contemporary ideas.''

''Yektai is at his boldest when his message and the overt physicality of his materials merge. In the large canvases, heavily pigmented, bursting figure shapes push against and challenge the notion of pictorial space.''

Darius Yektai and Fluid Artistic Practices
Date: June 06, 2006
Author: Phyllis Braff



''...Darius views life in a contradictory fashion, his narrative paintings literally full of darkness. While his works could also be called ''painterly'', there's a somber theme to go with the silhouetted figures. We are somehow reminded of war (''The Mission'' series: the current Iraqi conflict or even the French Indian War).''

All in the Family
Date: August 13, 2004
Author: Marion Wolberg Weiss



''Emphasizing this organizing principle of energy is the artist's use of collaged objects such as flattened turpenoid cans, used tubes of paint, and other detritus and autobiographical flotsam and jetsam from his studio floor. While this spurs a sense of cacophony through both visual and textural contrasts, there is also a kind of understated symphonic compositional approach that is surprisingly tender...''

Broad Spectrum of Curatorial Vision On View
Date: December 18, 2003
Author: Eric Ernst



''There's a lot of energy in the brushwork. The pigment is built up in some areas and the canvas is nearly bare elsewhere, so there is a constant play between thin and thick surfaces, abstraction and representation. Mr. Yektai is a purposeful painter, there isn't a subtle moment in any of these pictures, and that's a strength.''

''Although the big paintings have an attractive energy, I liked best a series of small self-portraits in whose ground of murky, coffee-colored pigment we glimpse bits of a face, fugitive highlights, way, way back in the paint... viewing Mr. Yektai's crepuscular self-portraits is like looking at Rembrandt with all the lights turned out.''

Toys Cartoons and Paint Tubes
Date: November 13, 2003
Author: Robert Long



''Darius Yektai's recent paintings offer a decidedly taut surface structure that creates as much emotional tension within the works as his bold and unabashedly aggressive brush strokes. Featuring what would contextually seem essentially bucolic and even romantic themes, the compositional arrangements have an intensity that overwhelms any gentility or overt sentimentality.''

In Very Different Ways, Shows Go for Emotions
Date: April 17, 2003
Author: Eric Ernst



''Using abstraction to intensify symbols, Mr. Yektai works... His collages of cut canvas on canvas further show his gift for original, originating forms and their placement as well as his provocative use of color, a melange of improvisation and invention.''

''Abstraction becomes visionary feeling and instinct before conscious observation and thought, as well as... discovery.''

East Hampton Star
Date: April 17, 2003
Author: Rose C. S. Slivka



''As for the entries for the 64th Annual Members Exhibition, judged this year by well-known art writer Amei Wallach, best in show was garnered by a sculpture of oil paint, palette scrapings, and pigment residue by Darius Yektai...''

Tinkering with Traditional Show
Date: March 28, 2002
Author: Eric Ernst